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Everyday Joy Design Team

Updated: Aug 28, 2023

Plants are not only a great source of energy and light in our spaces but they are also an easy way to introduce colour and personality into a space without breaking the bank. As a design statement plants can add height, texture and warmth. We've compiled a list of a few plant favourites that are great for indoor plant care.


What's great about the snake plant is that it's low maintenance! You don't need to put in a lot of effort to let your plant know that you care. Here are a few tips to help keep your baby thriving!

  • Water - only needs to be watered every 2-8 weeks, if the soil is still wet DO NOT WATER. Over watering your plant will cause it to rot, so make sure the soil is dry

  • Light - can grow in dark areas of the home and also thrive under indirect sunlight!

  • Temperature - To best grow a snake plant the room temperature must be above 10 degrees Celsius, keep that in mind if your plant will be in the shade.


Jade plants live for sunlight and love to be surrounded by it, they are succulents and by definition super hard to mis-manage. To help your relationship with your plant baby be as smooth as possible, here's a few tips we have to keep your jade plant fresh!

  • Water - Watering a Jade plant is different in each season. For the spring and summer months it will need to be watered more, as the soil will dry out much quicker. Try and avoid watering the leaves of the plant, as it can cause the plant to rot much faster.

  • Light - These plants need at least 4 hours of indirect sunlight a day for optimum growth. Placing this plant in areas with south facing windows is a great spot to maintain growth.

  • Temperature - Like other plants listed on this list, jade plants grow best at room temperature.


The spider plant requires a bit more time and attention in it's initial growth phase, than some of the other plants listed but not by much. To achieve optimal results, water this plant occasionally until it's fully developed. It take's about 1 year, so a bit of patience is needed.

  • Water - one the plant is developed, water moderately. In the spring and summer months, always make sure that the soils is moist.

  • Light - spider plants like to be in moderate to bright places with indirect sunlight, so avoid keeping them perched on your window ledge

  • Temperature - This plant is most comfortable with a temperature between 13 and 27 degrees Celsius, which makes them perfect for indoor plants.

**burnt tips happen with spider plants when the soil is too dry**


The ever popular rubber plant, known for it's waxy texture and large leaves, perfect for an added touch of greenery in your space. The rubber plant makes its way on our list of low

maintenance because it doesn't require much light and is a great way to help filter your air.

  • Water - Maintain an easy watering schedule every 1-2 weeks, always remembering to ensure your plant's soil is dry before watering.

  • Light - Your plant will be at optimal performance with medium indirect sunlight. As an added tip, please note: if your plant is placed in an area with bright light, your soil will dry quicker and therefore the plant will need to be watered more frequently.

  • Temperature - Keeping your plant at in an environment between 18 - 30 degrees Celsius will keep your plant happy for longer.


Ficus trees are generally really easy to take care of, they do however have a few quirks. We've added some really simple tips to help keep your ficus lasting for much longer.

  • Water - Watering a ficus requires consistency, the soil must be moist at all times through the growing season but never drenched.

  • Light - Your ficus plant will thrive with lots of bright indirect sunlight, and will reward you for it! As a tip, remember not to give this plant direct sunlight until it's been acclimated.

  • Temperature -Similar to their native environments, this plant loves warmer temperatures. Keeping your home temp between 50-75 degrees Farenheight

**Ficus plants tend to shed their leaves a lot, so don't be alarmed its pretty normal.

**This tree grows at it's best when it's in one location, so find that perfect spot in your home and keep it there!


An Aloe Vera plant is amazing for so many reasons, besides it's simple aesthetic there are many health benefits to growing this plant in your space. To keep your aloe pant thriving in your space, we have a few tips to keep you on track.

  • Water - To avoid the roots from rotting, you should water your aloe every three weeks, and only when the soil is dry.

  • Light - Aloe plants best thrive in indirect sunlight, so place this plant in or near any western or southern windows in your space.

  • Temperature - This plant is most comfortable with a temperature between 13 and 27 degrees celcius, which makes them perfect for indoor plants.


OK, this plant is really on the list because as far as indoor plant aesthetics go this one sits at the top. Your fiddle leaf fig will make for beautiful addition to your space, but they are a bit dramatic so here are a few helpful tips to keep them thriving

for a while!

  • Water - You will know that your plant needs to be watered when the top inch of your soil is dry.

**an un-watered plant will brown along the edges, when this plant is overwatered it will develop brown spots on the leaf**

  • Light - The more the better! Fiddle leaf's prefer lots of sunlight so setting your plant near an east facing window will allow it to receive it's optimal amount throughout the day.

  • Temperature - Similar to their native environments, this plant loves

warmer temperatures. Keeping your home temp between 50-75 degrees Farenheight.


Different to the plants detailed on this list, air plants receive their moisture from their leaves instead of their roots! Caring for these plants requires a different level of attention and we have the best tips to show you how.

  • Water - Making sure your air plant receives the right amount of moisture is very important. The best way to give the plants the right moisture needed is to mist them every 1-2 days with a spray bottle.

  • Light - Air plants are best suited for areas within your home with indirect sunlight. Placing this plant in or near any western or southern windows in your space will help it thrive.


Ok so I don't believe there is single person on the planet that hasn't started their plant journey with at least a cactus or succulents. The very definition of low maintenance, the last plant in our round up takes low maintenance parenting to a whole new level.

  • Water - .The most common reason your cactus / succulent is not thriving is because it's overwatered. Trust us your plant is not as thirsty as you think it is. Based on your environment and the season your plant should be watered every 1-2 weeks in the warmer months and every 3-4 weeks in cooler months.

  • Light - Placing your plant in a spot with a great light source will help it thrive, be sure that it is not positioned under direct sunlight as direct light will cause yellowing on the exterior.

  • Temperature - True comfort for your cactus / succulent begins at around 8 - 10 degrees Celsius.

Our tips highlighted are simple and easy starting points into providing some much needed TLC to your plant baby. If you like our list, let us know in the comments in you would like a full in depth detail on any of the plants listed!

But if you're like me and keeping plants alive and thriving feels like a fulltime job, checkout some of the great "life like" faux plants we have in the shop!



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